AhwazAhwaz News

Elamite civilization continues to overshadow the Ahwazi dialect “4 ′ ′


The Arab Al Ahwaz website continues to display the series of terms taken from the Elamite civilization, in order to try to counter the criminal mechanization of the Persians against the occupied Arab people and their ancient civilization.

The Ahwazi writer Hamid Al Kinani collected many of the terms used in the Ahwazi dialect now and presented them through the Karun cultural site. The Arab Al Ahwaz website uses this material and presents the fourth episode of the Ahwazi terminology in several consecutive episodes.

Where the word Oqno came: It is an Akkadian name that means sweetness, and the word “Karkheh” is used for the intensity of its fresh and current water. And the word Hidalu: an Elamite Akkadian term, meaning flatter and crooked, and it was called a town between Tester and Ramez. On: Sumerian Elamite dynasty in the year 2600 BC. They occupied the lands of Elam, and this royal dynasty continued to rule them until Elam regained its power and defeated them.

The word “Balabush” also came: an Assyrian Elamite term, and he was the commander of the Assyrian army when he invaded Elam. And Zuhr: an Elamite town in the current province of Elam, which continued its steadfastness after the occupation of Sargon of Akkad. And Zahmi: an Elamite term, and the name of an Elamite family is the house of Zahmi. Today, this name is used in Shush. Zahmi. Zahmi.

The term dis: an Elamite term meaning the breast of the mother, and it is one of the oldest Elamite vocabulary. And residents: an Elamite term, and they created it Bani Elam, meaning the steering wheel with which they drive the car, and we see it among Elam, they make it over the goat, and it means the movement of the universe, like the movement of the saying, shaqul: occult. And the word shakh: an Akkadian Elamite term, meaning that the thing stands like a stick, and is used in that ancient sense.

As for the term carp: a type of fish. It is a Sumerian Elamite term that refers to a type of sea fish. And a down payment: what is deposited before work, like a deposit, and today it is used as it was in the past. And Arogha: Frog, which is an Akkadian Elamite singular, and uses frog, and its plural is Arog. And Karbash: the name of the twelfth month of the Elamite, and today the names of Karbash, Karmish, and Karimish are used.

And the word Manish: Ibn Sargon of Akkad, he ruled in Anshan and Anzan, and the Akkadian language spread during his reign and his reign Sargon, and today it is used as a name, and there is a person in the village of Beit Saad and the family of many of the Ahwazi villages in the name of Amnish, such as Amnish bin Muhammad. And karwata: cartilage, which is an Elamite singular, and it is called eating cartilage and its special condition is under the teeth. Al-Ahwazi says karwata means eating cartilage. And gazaz: the glass, which is an Akkadian Elamite word, and to this day, gazzaz is used, and Al-Ahwazi say “kisrat al-gazzaz” means I broke the glass.

The term latash: an Akkadian Elamite term, meaning sticking something, and used for lashing out, lashing means sticking mud on the wall, and so metaphorically used for a liar, and the Ahwazi say that lash means a liar. And Balabush: the name of the commander of the Assyrian army, Bani Bal, when he occupied the civilization of Elam and killed the people of Sus, and today Al-Ahwaz says Tagak Balabush means killing you Balabush, which is a kind of slander. And Toth: an Elamite Akkadian term, meaning a heavy thing. It is said that al-Tawthiyah means a heavy wood, and al-Ahwazi says that so-and-so.

And the word Shazi came, Shuzi; ; An Elamite term meaning river gods, and if the tragedies intensify, they beg for it, and nightmare: the frightening dream, which is an Akkadian Elamite term, and today it uses the same subject, and Ashura, Kashura.


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