Al Kaabi: What’s happening in Iran is a wings conflict
Dr. Aref al Kaabi, chief executive of the occupied Arab state of Ahwaz, said what is going on within Iran is a matter of wing conflict.
Kaabi explained that there is a conflict between three wings, the first conflict between conservatives and those known as “reformists,” who are Persian nationalists, as well as the Persian conflict against the regime regarding the “People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran”, as well as Persians within Iran’s geography.
Al-Kaabi added, as for the third conflict, it is the Persian coordination with the non-Persian nationalities to rise up against the current regime, and therefore this conflict between the three wings is what contributes to the continuation of these demonstrations and feeds them so far, and it was a meeting between the Persian and non-Persian opposition from other nationalities on the day after the killing of Mahisa Amine.
Al-Kaabi continued to “Asia Today”: As for the benefit of this and its impact on the Ahwazi issue, there may be no effect in the short term; But in the medium and long term, it will be very beneficial for the Ahwazi cause.
The executive head of the Al-Ahwaz state added that the conflict of the wings would end all the three conflicting forces, especially the regime forces from the Revolutionary Guards, as well as the police, the army and its intelligence services, and then enable the Ahwazi forces to revive their cause and triumph for their geography… the geography of Al-Ahwaz.