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The Executive Committee of the State of Ahwaz: We recognize the right of every nation to establish an independent, sovereign state.


In a statement issued by the Executive Committee of the State of Ahwaz, it affirmed its recognition of the right of every nation, whether Arab, Kurdish, Balochi, Turkish, Persian, or any other nation, to establish its own political, legal, and economic system, either by creating an independent, sovereign state or through cooperative coexistence.

This affirmation was made during the International Forum on Peace and Security in the Middle East, dedicated to discussing the situation in Iran, which was held in the Belgian capital, Brussels.

The Executive Committee of the State of Ahwaz emphasized that no state should forcibly impose a political union on another state through coercion or force.

The statement concluded by calling on the international community and human rights organizations to intensify their efforts to confront the widespread violations committed by Iran against the Ahwazi people and other non-Persian nations and to support their legitimate rights, with the goal of achieving peace and security in the Middle East

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