AhwazAhwaz News

The Executive Committee of the State of Ahwaz confirms the escalation of political repression against non-Persian peoples in Iran


The Executive Committee of the State of Ahwaz has highlighted the increasing political repression against non-Persian peoples, such as Arabs, Kurds, Baloch, and Turks, in Iran since the 1979 revolution, noting that this was not the beginning of the oppression.

This statement was made during the International Conference on Security and Peace in the Middle East regarding Iran, held in Brussels, Belgium.

The committee added that the systematic repression of non-Persian nations began shortly after the Persian coup in 1921, which brought military officer Reza Khan to power.

It continued, “We reject the notion that the solution lies in reinstating and empowering the old fascist secular regime in Iran, and we strongly oppose any efforts toward centralization in a post-regime Iran.”

The committee called for the decentralization of power, the promotion of democracy, and the exercise of the right to national self-determination, including the possibility of secession, allowing each nation to independently shape its own future.

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