ِAhwaz historyAhwaz News

Iran intensifies the displacement of Ahwazis: marginalization and forced changes Escalate


Al-Ahwaz is witnessing a rapid deterioration in living and service conditions as the Iranian occupation authorities pursue a systematic policy aimed at displacing Ahwazis and altering the demographic composition of the region.

Recent reports reveal that Iranian occupation authorities have escalated their repressive policies by appointing non-Ahwazi managers to sensitive positions across various government departments, institutions, and companies operating in Al-Ahwaz, rather than employing qualified local talent. Over 80% of bank managers are non-Ahwazis.

This policy seeks to marginalize the Ahwazi people and deprive them of their basic rights to employment and management, forcing them to migrate in search of better job opportunities and more stable living conditions.

Experts confirm that these newly appointed managers, who have no understanding of local specificities, are pursuing narrow personal interests at the expense of Al-Ahwaz and its residents, leading to a deepening economic and social crisis in the region.

Concurrently, Al-Ahwaz is experiencing a severe decline in the level of services provided to citizens, with residents suffering from acute shortages of drinking water and electricity, deteriorating infrastructure, widespread unemployment, and poverty.

Most cities in Al-Ahwaz, due to the presence of incompetent managers, are witnessing inadequate healthcare, abandoned excavations by the Water and Sewage Company, a deplorable state of drinking water, frequent power outages, substandard roads that have become hazardous to citizens’ lives, and growing discontent among farmers who produce the country’s strategic commodities.

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