AhwazAhwaz News

Inauguration of the Ahwaz Executive Headquarters in Brussels


The Ahwaz Executive has inaugurated its headquarters in Brussels, the capital of the European Union, in order to be the link between the Ahwaz people and international organizations, especially the European Union organizations, the United Nations, UNICEF, UNESCO, the Human Rights Council, and all organizations concerned with human heritage and culture in general.

It will also be a tribune for the Ahwaz people, in order to convey the voice of the people to the international community, as well as the executive aims to be its headquarters to introduce the Ahwaz issue and the rights, struggle and demands of the Ahwaz people. The Ahwaz Executive Headquarters also aims to demand the international community to support the aspirations of the Ahwaz people to express their opinion of freedom and democracy in the exercise of their right to self-determination, which exceeded 12 million people, and their protections from killing, abuse, racism and discrimination practiced by the Iranian regime against them.

Through the Executive Headquarters, the Ahwaz people can provide relevant international organizations with detailed reports on the human rights situation in Al-Ahwaz and the peaceful struggle of the Al-Ahwaz people, as well as all documents and facts about the human history of the Al-Ahwaz people, which is considered a great history has its position and its presence in human civilization, which the Iranian occupation is trying to falsify.

The representation of the Ahwaz people in Brussels is the voice of the Al-Ahwaz people who are looking forward to freedom and the continuation of their civilized and humanitarian giving along with the peoples of the world, as well as the transmission of the violations that the Ahwaz people have been subjected to for more than decades at the hands of the successive governments of the Iranian occupation. The executive officials hope that any agreement or plans drawn up after the fall of the Khomeini regime in Iran will be taken into consideration, and the opinion of the people will be sought, in order to guarantee the right of the Ahwaz Arab people, and to emphasize the human right and international charters and treaties that emphasize the right to self-determination. The headquarters of the Al-Ahwaz Executive Committee, in Brussels, is the true nucleus of support for the Al-Ahwaz Arab people, and emphasizing on defending their rights and gaining recognition and support for his legitimate struggle.

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