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President of the Ahwaz Executive and Al-Rafidain Center Sign Legal Document to Pursue Iran Internationally


In a significant legal move, Dr. Aref Al-Kaabi, President of the Executive of the State of Ahwaz, received a high-level legal delegation from London, headed by Mohammed Al-Ma’ruf, Director of the Iraqi Al-Rafidain International Center for Human Rights in the United Kingdom.

The delegation discussed with Dr. Al-Kaabi the latest developments concerning the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Ahwaz and the reasons behind the increasing violations by Iran against the Ahwazi people. They also explored the legal avenues to hold the Iranian regime accountable for its crimes against humanity.

Al-Ma’ruf emphasized the importance of shedding light on the Ahwazi cause at the international level and providing the necessary support to the Ahwazi people in their just struggle to reclaim their legitimate rights. The discussions reiterated that Iran, as an occupying power, bears full responsibility for all violations and crimes committed in Ahwazi territories.

At the end of the meeting, a legal memorandum of understanding was signed between both parties, aiming to file a lawsuit against Iran before the International Court of Justice. The document asserts that Iran has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity against the Ahwazi people, flagrantly violating international humanitarian law and international human rights law.

This meeting marks an important step in strengthening international efforts to support human rights in Ahwaz. It also highlights the importance of legal cooperation in confronting the violations suffered by the Ahwazi people. The move towards the International Court of Justice is considered a strategic step in seeking justice and accountability for the Iranian authorities’ crimes.

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