AhwazAhwaz NewsInternational

Dr. Aref Al-Kaabi’s Speech During the Inauguration of the Ahvaz State Executive Headquarters in Kyiv


During the inauguration of the Arab State of Ahwaz Executive Headquarters in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, Dr. Aref Al-Kaabi, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Arab State of Ahwaz, delivered a poignant speech in which he expressed his deep appreciation to the resilient Ukrainian people, both its leadership and citizens.

He began his speech with a sincere salute to this steadfast nation in the face of challenges, praising the generous invitation extended to him and the leadership of the State of Ahwaz.

Al-Kaabi explained that the Ahwazi people, who reside on the eastern shore of the Arabian Gulf and number more than 15 million, have been under Iranian occupation since 1925. The Ahwaz region covers an area of approximately 385,000 square kilometers and contains more than 85% of the gas and oil resources that Iran exports abroad.

He pointed out that these oil and gas revenues are currently being used to manufacture drones and ballistic missiles sent to Russia, which have been used by Russian forces to bomb the defenseless Ukrainian people for more than two years.

In his speech, Dr. Al-Kaabi emphasized that the 4,000 kilometers he traveled to reach Kyiv is merely a symbol of his salute and admiration for the Ukrainian people’s resilience in the face of Russian aggression.

He also urged the Ukrainian Parliament to take a bold step and recognize Ahwaz as an occupied state, noting that this recognition should be similar to the recognition of the Republic of Dagestan. Al-Kaabi highlighted the common suffering shared by the Ahwazi, Ukrainian, and Dagestani peoples under the oppression of two criminal regimes: the Iranian and Russian governments.

Al-Kaabi added that the Ahwazi cause requires significant international support, considering that international recognition of Ahwaz would be a critical step in the Ahwazi people’s struggle to reclaim their stolen rights. He also extended greetings to the Ukrainian leadership and the Ukrainian people, as well as to the people of Dagestan, stressing the importance of continuing solidarity between these nations fighting against oppressive regimes.

In conclusion, Al-Kaabi affirmed that the inauguration of the Ahwaz State’s representation in Kyiv marks a pivotal step in strengthening the ties between the Ahwazi and Ukrainian peoples. This representation will serve as an important diplomatic and political bridge between the two sides.

He expressed his deep gratitude for the warm reception the Ahwazi delegation received in Kyiv, offering special thanks to all parties involved in organizing this event and inviting the Ahwaz Executive Committee to participate.

With these words, Dr. Al-Kaabi concluded his speech by extending his thanks and appreciation to the friendly Ukrainian people, hoping that this cooperation would mark the beginning of a new phase of support and solidarity aimed at achieving justice and freedom for the Ahwazi people.

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