The Executive Committee of the occupied Arab State of Ahwaz condemned the judgement of the mullahs’ judiciary against Belgian aid worker Olivier Vandikastel, describing it as “barbaric” and inhumane.
The mullahs’ judiciary accused the Belgian aid worker of espionage and other political charges, and sentenced him to 40 years in prison in total.
“We condemn this barbaric and barbaric act, which is a violation of human rights that affected the peaceful Belgian citizen who worked for NGOs to help and aid others,” said Dr. Aref al-Kaabi, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Arab State of Ahwaz.
The head of the executive committee of the Arab state of Ahwaz added that the conviction of Belgian citizen Olivier Vandicastel by the mullahs’ judiciary is illegal, and is not based on any evidence or documents, but has been convicted of false and false evidence.
Al Kaabi continued that these trials, accusations, procedures and violations against foreign nationals are part of the daily suffering of the Ahwazi Arab people under Persian occupation.
The Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Arab State of Ahwaz expressed the unified efforts of all parties in the international community to halt Iranian criminality against nationals and peoples in the so-called Iranian geography, particularly the Ahwazi Arab people, expressing his wishes for the release of Belgian citizen Olivier Vandikastel.