Ahwaz News

The Executive Committee of the State of Ahwaz achieved an agreement on Iran’s threat to regional peace and security.


In a statement issued by the Executive Committee of the State of Ahwaz, it was confirmed that the conference held in the Belgian capital, Brussels, reached an agreement approved by all participants regarding the threat posed by the current Iranian regime to regional peace and security.

The participants emphasized that the Iranian regime is engaging in interventionist policies in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon, which endanger regional peace and security.

As a result, Iran’s threat to regional peace and security translates into a threat to global peace and security as a whole.

Consequently, the conference participants urged the international community to take a firm stance and confront this fascist regime ruling in Tehran.

They also called for cooperation with non-Persian states and support for them, aiming to facilitate this mission and protect peace and security in the region.

This confirmation comes as part of the International Forum on Peace and Security in the Middle East, organized to discuss the situation in Iran and analyze its repercussions.

The conference brought together experts and officials from various countries and international organizations, with the aim of developing effective strategies to address the challenges posed by the Iranian regime to both regional and global peace and security.

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