AhwazAhwaz News

Hussam Miro: Iranian Interventions in Syria Behind the Ongoing Crisis


Hussam Miro, head of the Syrian Constitutional Party, confirmed that Iranian interventions in Syria are the main reason behind the continuation of the Syrian crisis and the worsening of the suffering of the Syrian people.

During the activities of the International Forum for Security and Peace in the Middle East, organized by the Executive of the Ahvaz State in the Belgian capital, Brussels, Miro emphasized that the Syrian people completely reject the presence of the Iranian occupation and its sectarian militias on their land. He stated that they are striving to end the presence of the Iranian occupation and all forms of Iranian influence, and to regain full sovereignty over their territory.

The head of the Syrian Constitutional Party also explained that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard militias are directly responsible for committing crimes and massacres against the Syrian people.

Miro stressed that Syrians stand in solidarity with the struggle and rights of the Arab people of Ahvaz in obtaining their independence, and that they support their just cause in liberating themselves from Iranian occupation.

Miro called on the international community to take a firm stance to stop Iranian interventions in Syria and to support the aspirations of the Syrian people for freedom and democracy.

Finally, Miro urged all Syrian opposition factions to unite and work together to overthrow the Assad regime and eliminate the Iranian occupation.

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