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The “Ahwaz Executive Conference” Reveals the Colonial Nature of the Iranian Regime


An important international conference was held in Brussels, Belgium, under the patronage of the Executive of the State of Ahwaz, to discuss security and peace in the Middle East. The conference emphasized that Iran is not merely a cross-border state, but represents a colonial political entity imposed by Persian imperialist powers on the homelands of non-Persian nations in the region.

Discussions at the conference clarified that the fundamental problem within Iran, which cannot be easily resolved, lies in the need to recognize the colonial nature of the Iranian regime, in addition to its political framework and geopolitical boundaries. These structures violate the right of nations to independently and humanely determine their future in a democratic manner.

The participants in the conference stressed the importance of confronting these violations and ensuring justice and peace in the region. The international community must take effective measures to protect human rights and promote democracy in Iran, including supporting democratic movements, minority rights, and civil society.

In conclusion, the Brussels conference represents an important step towards a deeper understanding of the challenges facing the Middle East, achieving peace and stability in the region, and highlighting the urgent necessity to confront political colonialism, discrimination, and to guarantee human rights for all peoples in the region.

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