AlKaabi welcomes the designation by the European Parliament of the Revolutionary Guards as terrorists: A Move to Counter Iran Threat
The Executive Committee of the occupied Arab state of Ahwaz welcomed the European Parliament’s decision to designate the Revolutionary Guards a terrorist group, confirming that these measures against the Iranian regime constitute a strong move in the face of regime terrorism.
Dr Aref AlKaabi, chairman of the executive committee of the occupied Arab state of Ahwaz, said the European Parliament’s unanimous decision to designate the Revolutionary Guards, on the lists of terrorist groups constituted a strong and strict move by European countries towards the Iranian regime.
Al-Kaabi added that this decision is among the most prominent and powerful European measures against Revolutionary Guard terrorism, which has long been a source of threat and a breach of security and stability in the region and the world.
Al-Kaabi explained that designating the Revolutionary Guard a terrorist, is a heavy blow to Iran’s terror regime because it represents a military and economic force serving “absurd’ projects and sectors within Iran, and also a heavy blow to its militias and terrorist groups in the Middle East region and in the world.
Al-Kaabi sent a letter to members of the European Parliament that the Iranian threat to the interests of European and Middle Eastern countries, especially in international navigation in the Persian Gulf, ends with the withdrawal of recognition from this regime and support for the liberation and recognition of the Arab State of Ahwaz.